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The Last Guardian walkthrough part 2: through the first chamber, trapped Trico, mineshaft and into the forest

How do you get a Trico-shaped creature through a tiny man-shaped hole?

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You're outside in the fresh air, but not for long.

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You're on a grass verge, opposite a huge tower. To the right of Trico is a thin verge under a larger chamber. Carefully follow this.

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Trico will follow you, hopping from rock to rock. Don't worry, Trico always keeps up with you.

You'll need to use the chain to get all the way around to the balcony.

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From here, point the mirror at the large double doors opposite and let Trico blast them, creating a path to the floor below.

How to get Trico through the building

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Follow the steps and turn right, through the small gap into a much bigger room. Trico can only poke his head through the gap and watch you. You'll see there's lot of chains and ledges to climb here. The steps up to your right just lead to the double doors that Trico just blasted apart. Head up there and call Trico, and he'll join you and wander down to the chamber you just entered.

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Where Trico's head was stuck, there's a small balcony. Climb up onto Trico and onto the balcony.

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Now work your way around onto the blue stones and pull yourself up and across to the right to the next balcony a little higher up, and then onto the hanging chain.

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At the top of the chain is a corridor on the left. Follow that to what looks like the entrance on to a mineshaft on the left and boarded up wooden entry on the right. Get the barrel out of the mineshaft and feed it to Trico, then get it to blast open the wooden barriers with its electric tail on the left.

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Just before the grill on the right is a little crawl space, which you should crawl through. On the otherside you'll find yourself in a glade of trees. Call Trico and it will jump the grill and join you. You can also see you next obstacle, and the huge tower you saw earlier from the otherside.

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Explore the surrounding forest area until you see the stone wall with metal grills. Climb onto Trico and it will jump up on top of all of this and take you to the next area.

Next: Part 3: the blue cage, the bridge and the suits of armour

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