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The Last Guardian PS4 Pro vs PS4 gameplay comparison

Take a peek at how the game measures up on the two consoles.

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The Last Guardian is releasing this week and if you're curious about how it's reviewing, you can check out our review round-up here or Matt Martin's thoughts on the game here .

If you're more interested in how the graphics stack up, take a look at Alex's video comparing gameplay footage from the PS4 Pro and the PS4.

It goes without saying that you're not going to see a difference if you don't fiddle with the settings first, so don't be a plonker and be sure to tweak away.

The video shows off the first few minutes of the game and aside from the gameplay itself, there are no story spoilers so it should be safe to take a quick peek.

Are you planning on picking up the game this week? Let us know in the comments.

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