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The Forest looks creepier with every set of screenshots released

The Forest, Endnight Games’ survival horror game, has a new set of creepy screenshots available below the break.

A new video showing alpha footage of the game was released last week.

"Utilizing cutting edge volume lighting effects, parallax mapping, vector based motion blur, screen based real time reflections and physical materials our team has pushed Unity 4 to produce some of the most striking visuals ever made with this engine," said the developer.

"Our backgrounds in film visual effects and animation on projects such as ‘Tron: Legacy’, ‘The Amazing Spiderman 2’, and the ‘Twilight’ films have allowed us to utilize realtime technology to deliver a realistic looking and harrowing vision of horror, featuring some of the most believable and life like creatures you’ve ever seen in a video game."

Endnight will release the game through Steam Early Access on May 22 and will run you $14.99.

The Forest is slated for release on PC and will support Oculus Rift.

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