The Division: Survival looks like classic holiday fun in the snow in this reveal trailer
A pulsating beat, the oppression of a white out, scarce resources and enemies on the hunt. Yes, sounds like a typical family holiday get together to me.
The Division's second proper expansion is called Survival, and it has players facing extreme conditions during a storm. Just the thing to make you North Americans and Europeans enjoy the looming winter.
It's supposed to be a more hardcore take on The Division's action gameplay, and the trailer almost gives it a stealth or horror vibe, doesn't it? I'm kind of keen. I always felt the post-plague city wasn't really as eerie as it ought to be.
The Division: Survival is currently live on the public test server for PC, but has not yet been dated for general release on all platforms. We do know it will come to PC and Xbox One 30 days before PS4, though.
Want a sneak peek at the expansion? Arekkz has helpfully summarised everything you need to know about The Division: Survival after checking it out on the PTS.
Summer is coming to Australia so perhaps The Division's development team could consider a pool party expansion or something for we antipodeans.