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The Division update 1.1: new Falcon Lost mission is so tough the lead designer hasn't completed it

You're going to need a bigger gun.


Next week's Incursions update for The Division includes a new mission so tough the lead designer hasn't completed it.

According to the developer's latest podcast, Falcon Lost is super-tough. Host Hamish Bode asked lead designer Mathias Karlson and lead economic designer Andrada Greciuc if they'd completed it. Neither has.

Falcon Lost comes in two difficulty modes; Hard and Challenging. He asked the two if "hard mode of Incursions is harder than the challenge mode of regular missions."

"Yeah, I would say that," replied Greciuc. "It's a different kind of content."

"They're in the same realm of difficulty," added Karlson.

Both confirmed that there will be mechanics in Falcon Lost that players haven't previously encountered in Massive's shooter RPG. We know already that part of Falcon Lost will involve taking down a bullet-proof armoured personnel carrier.

"You're going to see new ingredients in terms of what happens and what you're exposed to playing in Incursions," confirmed Karlson.

He also added that rewards are going to be higher for completing Falcon Lost and other forthcoming raid-style activities.

"Incursions are our most difficult and most highly rewarding challenges in the game," said Karlson. "With that degree of challenge we need to match that with rewards. It's going to be the toughest thing you can do but also the source of the coolest stuff."


We have a full briefing of the most important changes to The Division coming with April's 1.1 update, and full patch notes here.

The new update is out April 12. If you need to find a suitable team, try The Division 100.

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