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Target launches used game trade-in service, to be in 850 stores by year's end


Live in the US? Have a game? Wanna sell it? Don't feel like making the trek to one of the five million GameStops on your street?

Well then, just head across the street to one of your five million local Targets.

Target's rolling out the trade-in program at its Northern California locations, but plans to have 850 retail stores on board by the time 2010 comes to a close.

So, how's it work? Well, if you've ever left a box of your games on GameStop's doorstep, you know the drill: insert game, receive store credit. Other electronics - like iPhones, iPods, and cell phones - can also be stirred back into the great primordial retail soup in exchange for store credit.

You'll remember that Best Buy also kicked off a similar program last year, meaning that if you throw a rock in the US, there's now a 90 percent chance you'll hit someone you can trade that rock into for some form of store credit.

Thanks, Gamasutra.

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