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Tales from the Borderlands hits Steam and PSN tomorrow, Xbox One on Wednesday

Tales from the Borderlands will be available from tomorrow, Telltale Games has announced.


The first episode of Tales from the Borderlands, Zer0 Sum, will be available via Steam for Mac and PC on November 25, Telltale revealed today - that's tomorrow, as it's still November 24 in the US at time of writing.

The episode will also release on PlayStation 3 and PS4 in North America tomorrow, with the local PSN update.

Update: TellTale has since announced European PlayStation and global Xbox release dates:

We're also expecting Tales from the Borderlands on Android and iOS before the end of the year.

We have some pricing details - in the US, episodes will cost $5 on consoles, while a season pass will run you $20 on PlayStation and $15 on Xbox. On Mac and PC, the full season will go for $25.

A collaboration between Gearbox and TellTale, Tales from the Borderlands has two playable characters and is set after the events of Borderlands 2. Nevertheless, it features handsome Jack in some way.

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