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Sword of Convallaria Nightingale Build and Team Compositions

Nightingale is a capable offensive support character to use early on in Sword of Convallaria.

Nightingale's default character skin is shown in Sword of Convallaria
Image credit: VG247/XD Entertainment

Nightingale is a Watcher and Pharmacist in Sword of Convallaria, so as a result, you’d expect her to be a supportive healer of sorts in battle. And while she can be, she’s actually much more valuable as an offensive support if you have other healers — such as Angel or Inanna — to use.

Capable of increasing the movement and speed of dying allies, dishing out AoE damage, and putting problematic enemies to sleep, don’t expect Nightingale to be dishing out copious amounts of damage. Instead, her role is to aid her team with securing kills, weaking enemies so that our DPS units can dish out final blows. Without further ado, here’s our guide to a Sword of Canvallaria Nightingale build, including team compositions.

Best Sword of Convallaria Nightingale Build

Nightingale is a Watcher in Sword of Convallaria, and with the title of ‘Pharmacist’, you’re safe in assuming that she is a healer. That said, while you can easily make the mistake of prioritizing Nightingale’s healing skills and abilities, she’s actually capable of much more than simply fixing up her allies in battle.

In fact, if you’re able to use another character as your team’s dedicated healer — such as Inanna or F2P character, Angel — it’s worth prioritising Nightingale’s more offensive skills in her kit rather than her self-preserving ones. This way, she acts as an offensive support, weakening or disabling foes so that your other units can easily secure kills.

As Nightingale ascends the Ranks and you select new skills for her, we recommend the following:

  • Rank 1 - Weapon Eroder: A single-target ranged attack that does Piercing DMG equal to 30% of the target’s HP, then debuffs the target’s attack by 20% for two turns.
  • Rank 3 - Tranquilizer: Inflicts Sleep on a target for two turns.
  • Rank 5 - Protection of Light: When hit by an active single-target attack, the DMG taken is decreased by 30%. This effect can be activated once per round.
  • Rank 7 - Burning Grenade: Deals Piercing DMG equal to 10% of the target’s HP to all enemies within one tile around the target tile. It will change the tiles into burning tiles for two turns.
  • Rank 9 - Silencing Attack: Deals 80% Magical DMG and disables Injured targets from casting skills for two turns.

As you can see, we’re selecting skills from the Interfere side of things — rather than Heal — for the most part. The only instance in which we have deviated from this so far is with Protection of Light, which provides Nightingale with a slightly more useful defensive skill for her kit than the latter, Endure.

One of Nightingale’s most useful skills is Burning Grenade, which can allow her to damage multiple enemies at once and change the terrain to burning, slowly dealing more DoT to enemies within range of those tiles. For units like Dantalion, or those who recover NRG upon kills, this is great, allowing those units to mop up quickly and use their NRG-intensive skills on more troublesome targets.

As you may have noticed, Nightingale’s main attacks are ranged, and you should pay close attention to this. Nightingale is a character who can easily be killed by enemies, so you want to keep her at a good distance from them where you can so she’s kept safe; this is why Burning Grenade is particularly useful for her, as it forces enemies to use more movement to navigate the fiery tiles she’s caused, and thus damages them while keeping them at a decent distance, for the most part.

Our Rank 9 skill is a no-brainer, with Silencing Attack allowing us to attack and debuff our target’s following attacks. Compared to Merciful Strike, which attacks and then buffs our next healing skill, this is more useful considering we are not using Nightingale to heal allies. That said, early on in the game, Nightingale does have the First Aid skill by default, so if you find yourself keeping and using this as some back-up healing for your team (which I honestly don’t recommend if you’re already bringing along another healer), you could consider Merciful Strike instead.

Remember that as you unlock new skills, only five can be equipped to a unit at a time, so plan carefully!

Nightingale Team Compositions

Nightingale is a support character through and through in Sword of Convallaria, but considering we have built into her offensive kit more so than her healing capabilities, you will likely still want to bring a healer along with you, such as Inanna or Angel.

Now, on top of that, you’ll want some more party members that dish out damage. While the composition of your team will largely depend on what battle you have ahead — what enemies there are, the terrain, and so forth — you want to consider bringing along another strong DPS character and a tank. With Nightingale capable of dealing ranged damage and triggering barrels for us, I recommend the strongest DPS available to you, whether that’s Col, Beryl, or more F2P-friendly options such as personal favorite, Crimson Falcon. There’s also Abyss and

To accompany your DPS and healer, you then want a tank; Alexei, Magnus, and F2P character, Rawiyah, are your best bets here. Though, your team composition in Sword of Convallaria is largely down to who you enjoy using, and you by no means have to use any of these characters.

Additionally, if you’re quite early on in Sword of Convallaria and Nightingale has her First Aid skill to hand, you can use her as a healer and offensive support during the early-game, forgoing a healer for another DPS character if you’re confident. This worked well for me for a while, until Angel came along!

For more on Sword of Convallaria, take a look at our character tier list, and our Sword of Convallaria codes.

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