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Sword of Convallaria Abyss Build and Team Compositions

Abyss is one of the best Epics in Sword of Convallaria and a power AoE mage!

Abyss casting an energy wave in Sword of Convallaria.
Image credit: XD/VG247

Abyss is one of the best Epic tier characters in Sword of Convallaria, making her an accessible and powerful mage who fits on just about any team composition.

There are a couple of strong directions that you can take your Abyss build in, depending on what role you want her to fulfil in your squad. But while you can spin her up to be a single-target stopper with the Sleep status, I prefer using her as an accessible and easy-to-use AoE character, who also supports her teammates by inflicting multiple debuffs on enemies.

As you progress through the Ranks you can either lean further into the debuff archetype, or focus on NRG restoration to pump out AoE more quickly.

Best Sword of Convallaria Abyss build

Your Abyss build starts immediately at Rank 1, where you need to make a big call on the archetype you want Abyss to fulfil. I prefer the Dark Withering AoE variant because it gives you instant, easy access to multi-target damage - which is hard to come by at the start of the game.

From there, your next big call to make is at Rank 3, where you need to choose whether you want Abyss to be a full debuff character, or if you want her AoE damage to take precedence. If you want debuffs (or don’t plan on sticking with the game until you reach the highest levels) choose Corruption for even more statuses. Otherwise you can choose NRG Regeneration in preparation of her Rank 7 AoE Skill Dark Ripple.

Either way, you might have gotten Beryl by that point, so make the best choice for the characters you have right now.

Focusing on debuffs, the full Abyss build would look like this:

  • Rank 1 - Dark Withering
  • Rank 3 - Corruption
  • Rank 5 - Protection of Darkness
  • Rank 7 - Dark Ripple
  • Rank 9 - Invigorating Strike

Focusing on AoE, the full Abyss build looks like this:

  • Rank 1 - Dark Withering
  • Rank 3 - NRG Restoration
  • Rank 5 - Protection of Darkness
  • Rank 7 - Dark Ripple
  • Rank 9 - Invigorating Strike

Abyss Team Compositions

Because she’s a strong spellcaster with easy access to AoE, the easiest comparison to make with Abyss is Beryl. If you don’t have Beryl - because she’s a Legendary tier character and we’re all strapped for cash - then Abyss is a suitable replacement in your team.

While Abyss has nowhere near the same explosive power as Beryl, she is actually extremely good at wearing down multiple enemies at once and making them easier to finish off by stacking debuffs.

This means you should pair Abyss with either high mobility characters (who can swoop in to take advantage of weakened enemies to finish them off), characters with a charge Skill like Rawiyah, Maitha and Tempest (who can also cover distance quickly to pick off foes), or other AoE characters who can combine their damage with Abyss’ to take out multiple enemies at once.

For more on which characters you should be using, check out our Sword of Convallaria tier list!

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