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Survarium 0.42 patch adds new game mode, monthly rankings, hit detection improvements

A new Survarium patch has been released.

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Survarium developer Vostok has released a new patch for the MMO shooter. The patch is version 0.42 and it add a new game mode, improves hit detection, and more. The update is out now on the public build.

Here's the list of changes:


  • New game mode: Artifact Hunt. Deliver Radiance of the Forest artifact to your base, but remember: the enemy team is trying to do the same.
  • Introduced new monthly rankings. Participate in the battles and win to increase your rank and get better rewards.
  • You will now receive points when your team successfully captures a research station even when your character leaves the capture zone or dies.
  • You will not receive points if you leave the zone and the enemy team starts to capture the research station.
  • You will now receive points for healing the teammates with the Healing Totem.
  • You will now receive points when a teammate uses your Ammo Box to resupply.
  • You will now receive points for detecting an enemy with a sensor if your teammate kills that enemy.
  • Reworked London location: changed the location of both bases and respawn points so you can get to the key points of the map faster.
  • Improved the net code and synchronization.
  • Fixed delay for all players decreased from 200ms to 150ms.
  • Killcam time reduced by 1 second due to a shorter camera flythrough around the killer.

User interface

  • Heroes of the Day menu moved and is now to the left of character level.
  • Heroes of the Day menu now has additional tabs with the results of your friend and clanmates.
  • Season leagues menu is merged with Heroes of the Day menu.
  • You can now see the progress for unlocking weapon modules on post-match screen.
  • Camera in the Workshop can be rotated by holding down either left or right mouse button.
  • Added a new screen with the match results (displaying final scores of both teams and whether your team won or lost).
  • Updated special supplies icons.
  • Weapon quality is now displayed when choosing a profile in battle.

Supplies and artifacts

  • Damage inflicted by toxic cloud of Sponge artifact increased.
  • Reduced the delay before the Healing Totem begins to heal down to 1 second (used to be 5 seconds).
  • Motherwort extract: bonus decreased from 15% to 10%.

Character skills

  • Steady Breath: bonus for each skill level decreased from 3% to 2% (maximum value is now 10%).
  • Accuracy: bonus for each skill level decreased from 3% to 1% (maximum value is now 5%).
  • Firm Grip: bonus for each skill level decreased from 5% to 3% (maximum value is now 9%).

Equipment and weapons

  • MP5: new level 6 SMG, Black Market.
  • ASVK: new level 10 sniper rifle, Scavengers.
  • Barrett M82: the rifle is replaced with ASVK.
  • Reduced the delay before the chambering begins for all weapons with ammo chambering.
  • Slug damage modifier decreased from 70% to 60%.
  • Buckshot damage modifier decreased from 25% to 20%.
  • Dispersion while shooting from the hip decreased by 10%-15% for all weapon types.
  • Removed the penalty to dispersion in iron sights while moving for all weapon types.
  • TOZ-122: armor piercing decreased from 35 to 30.
  • M4A1: armor piercing decreased from 60 to 55.
  • MSBS Radon: armor piercing decreased from 60 to 55.
  • SVU: rate of fire decreased from 250 to 200.
  • SVD: rate of fire decreased from 200 to 150.
  • Socom 16: rate of fire decreased from 250 to 200.
  • SKS: rate of fire decreased from 250 to 200.
  • SOK-94: rate of fire decreased from 250 to 200.
  • Vepr-12: rate of fire increased from 250 to 300.
  • Remington 870: damage increased from 100 to 110.
  • Benelli M4 Super 90: rate of fire decreased from 240 to 200.
  • Franchi SPAS-12: rate of fire decreased from 200 to 180.
  • Sentry boots: new level 7 boots, Black Market.
  • Marauder gloves: new level 5 gloves, Black Market.
  • Omicron MKII helmet: new level 8 premium helmet, Black Market.
  • Stalker boots: new level 6 boots, The Fringe Settlers.
  • Warrior gloves: new level 5 gloves, The Fringe Settlers.
  • Leshy's hood: new level 8 premium helmet, The Fringe Settlers.
  • Scout gloves: new level 5 gloves, Renaissance Army.
  • Assault gloves: new level 6 gloves, Renaissance Army.
  • UM-2A Molot helmet: new level 8 premium helmet, Renaissance Army.
  • Saboteur boots: new level 5 boots, Scavengers.
  • Reinforced boots: new level 6 boots, Scavengers.
  • Pathfinder boots: new level 7 boots, Scavengers.
  • Veteran helmet: new level 8 premium helmet, Scavengers.
  • Potato grip now reduces sight sway by 10% (down from 15%).
  • Maximum value of "Sight sway" modifier on a weapon decreased from 15% to 10%.
  • You can now sell premium items for silver (if you have more than one identical item).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the bonus of "Quilted fabric" camo.
  • Fixed the animation of medkit cooldown.
  • Fixed grenade position in the hand.
  • Fixed the display of mines and traps when disarming them.
  • Fixed an issue allowing placing two mines at once.
  • Fixed an issue allowing placing all traps at once.
  • Fixed an issue allowing to melee an enemy through a wall.
  • Fixed timer display for oxygen tanks. Now the timer is only displayed when the tank is being used.
  • Fixed conditions of getting "Last effort" achievement.
  • Fixed physical model of the Ammo Box.
  • Parameters of stationary sensor are now displayed correctly.
  • Fixed rewards upon purchasing Premium account on the post-match screen.
  • Fixed an issue not allowing to leave the match in Team Deathmatch mode if you were spectating another player when the match ended.
  • Fixed display of anomaly protection for the newcomers.
  • Fixed icon shimmering during point capture if the game is relaunched while in the battle.
  • Fixed an issue which led to displaying the kills in a match log twice.
  • Fixed the lighting in the corridors of Vector Laboratory.
  • Fixed localization mistakes, added missing strings in all languages.

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