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Starfield Kid Stuff: Where to find your Mom and Dad

Your space Mom and space Dad will never turn your old room into a pilates studio

Your Mom and Dad's apartment in Pioneer Tower in Starfield
Image credit: Bethesda/VG247

One of the most intriguing options when building your character in Starfield is the Kid Stuff trait.

While it has featured in various Starfield deep dive presentations prior to the official release of the game, the in-game description doesn’t shed much light on how it practically affects your character. Here’s everything you need to know about your in-game parents, including what they can offer you and whether it's worth picking the trait!

What does Kid Stuff do?

The Kid Stuff trait gives your character an in-game Mom and Dad who live in an apartment in New Atlantis. Throughout your adventure you can visit them for exclusive dialogue and they will give you unique gifts.

Ever the proud parents, they will interact with Constellation and leave you messages to stop by for a visit. As you explore the galaxy, they will continue to be a presence in your life. There are tons of unique interactions you can have, some of which are very funny.

Where to find your parents in Starfield

In Starfield, your parents live in Pioneer Tower in New Atlantis.

When you leave the NAT train in the residential district, go right and you will be at the foot of Pioneer Tower. Ride the elevator up and the accessible door will be your parent’s apartment.

You can return here whenever you want to visit, or one of your parents leaves a message asking you to swing by.

Is Kid Stuff worth it?

If it suits the role-play of your character, Kid Stuff is an essential choice and one of the best traits in Starfield.

Not only does it give you access to unique mini-quests, but also exclusive weapons, equipment and tons of surprises across your adventure.

Similar to Dream Home, the tiny weekly charge is a very small price to pay for the frequent upsides, and what’s more you can remove the trait at any time by telling your Dad you don’t want to send money home anymore.

Alternatively, you might also feel that the powerful stuff you’re given for free makes Starfield too easy. So you may also want to avoid Kid Stuff if you don’t want to be tempted into using the free items if you feel like they undermine your efforts to make your own way in the galaxy.

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