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Starfield console commands and cheat codes

Fancy being immortal in outer-space? Or are you just short on credits for that bounty hanging over your head?

Image credit: Bethesda/VG247

Starfield is here, inviting us all to embark on a space-faring adventure across hundreds of planets and interstellar cities. For those who are very much used to Bethesda RPG’s, there’s one thing at the forefront of many players' minds, and that’s console commands.

If you fancy entering God Mode whilst in outer space, you’re not alone. The good news? It’s completely possible, of course. Whether you’re wanting a powerful weapon, some extra ammo and meds, or fancy fleshing out your skill tree, console commands will allow for whatever you want. So without further ado, here’s how to use console commands and cheat codes in Starfield.

How to use Starfield console commands

Before we start listing out Starfield’s cheat codes for you, you’ll first need to know how to actually open and use console commands.

These are only available for PC players, and those booting up Starfield on Xbox will sadly not be able to use the following commands.

It’s also worth noting that using console commands and cheat codes can, in some instances, disable your ability to unlock achievements. So, if you’re keen on getting 100% Starfield achievements, we recommend leaving console commands for after you achieve that feat.

To use console commands in Starfield, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Open the menu.
  • Press ’~’ on your keyboard, which is typically below your ‘Esc’ key.
  • A command console will appear; input the cheat code you want to use, and then voila.

Starfield console commands

We don’t yet know all of the cheat codes in Starfield, but we have detailed some of the most useful ones below, as well as how to find more codes for specific items, weapons, and more.

Command/Code What it does
tgm Enables God Mode. You will be invincible, and have unlimited ammo. Nice.
tim Enables Immortal Mode. You cannot die.
tcl Disables collision. You can walk through walls and objects. Input the code again to enable collision.
psb Gain all Starfield powers.
tm Hides UI. Input the code again to enable UI.
tcai Combative AI will not try to fight you.
tfc Enables free camera. Input the code again to disable it.
unlock Unlocks a targeted door or crate. Say so long to those digipicks!
player.additem [item code] [numerical value] Adds a specified amount of a specific item to your inventory. Example: 'player.additem 0000000A 20' will add 20 digipicks to your inventory, and 'player.additem 0000000F 2000' will add 2000 credits to your space wallet.
player.addperk [perk code] Adds a specific trait, skill, or background depending on the code.
player.removeperk [perk code] Removes a specific trait, skill, or background depending on the code.
player.setlevel [numerical value] Change your character's level to whatever you want.
player.modav carryweight [numerical value] Change your character's carry weight.
showlooksmenu player 1 Opens the character creator, letting you change your appearance in-game.
killall Kills all nearby NPC's.
kah Kills all nearby hostile NPC's.
resurrect Resurrects a targeted NPC corpse.

How to find more Starfield cheat codes

The command console in Starfield is rather helpful. If there’s a specific item, weapon, or command that you’re looking for that you can’t find here, you can actually search for it in-game.

With the command console open, use the code ‘help [what you’re looking for]’ without the brackets, and the console will then give you a list of options and their associated codes.

Then, you can go ahead and use the codes you find to spawn in items and activate skills, or honestly, do whatever you please.

For example, if you search ‘help digipicks’, the console will return all codes related to the item. If you then use the item code you need alongside the code for spawning in items -‘player.additem 0000000A 20’ - 20 digipicks will be added to your inventory. You can search for skills and backgrounds to add to your character too.

Don’t forget that you can also search around for things like weapons, ammo types, and spacesuits so you can gear up your character using cheats if you so wish.

For more on Starfield, since we're sure you can't get enough of it, take a look at how to use digipicks, and how to get married in the RPG. We've also got a handy guide on the Starfield Red Mile, as well as our top picks for the best armor and best ship upgrades.

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