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Star Wars: The Old Republic heading to AU, NZ

BioWare has confirmed it expects to launch Star Wars: The Old Republic in Australia and New Zealand early next year.

In a post on the game's official forums, community manager Stephen Reid said the company is aiming for a March 1 release but warned the date is dependent on securing "a great service to play on".

If that isn't clear enough, Reid's next comment makes it explicit: local servers.

"For those of you who may have already imported the game, we will be investigating solutions to allow you to continue to play on a local server once they come online in March," he added.

In response to anxious fan queries, Redi confirmed that servers intended for Australiand and New Zealand use would be more than just region-specific US-based servers.

"We are planning on actual servers located in the area. The final location is being locked down, but when we say 'local' we don't mean 'in the US but with a label,'" he said.

Star Wars: The Old Republic hit retail in the US and Europe yesterday. No antipodean launch had been promised before now. BioWare promises details on local retail offerings once locked down.

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