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How to earn Credits fast in Star Wars Outlaws

Credits make the galaxy go 'round, and nobody knows this better than a wretched scumbag like Kay, so here's how to line your pockets as fast as possible.

Star Wars Outlaws: Kay Voss approaches a shady contact in a seedy underworld.
Image credit: Ubisoft

Star Wars fans already know all about Credits: the multi-purpose, more or less universally accepted currency of the Galaxy Far, Far Away. It's already a fairly video game-y concept, so you won't be surprised to learn that Star Wars Outlaws adopts the concept wholesale, which means that Kay needs a steady supply of Credits in order to make purchases and perform upgrades on her equipment.

The bad news is that Kay doesn't start with very many Credits to her name; the good news is that she has very few ethical concerns about how she goes about picking up more. You'll be required to increase Kay's funds to 100 Credits before you can finish the game's first mission, so it pays (literally) to check your morals at the door and start making money fast in Star Wars Outlaws using the methods outlined below.

How to earn Credits quick in Star Wars Outlaws

There are several reliable methods in Star Wars Outlaws to help you keep a steady stream of Credits rolling in.

Pickpocket with Nix

You can instruct Kay's adorable pet Nix to pickpocket selected NPCs. Success is tied to a forgiving Quick-Time Event and generally yields a sellable item or a generous amount of Credits.

Lift anything that's not nailed down

Plenty of items found while exploring can be picked up and sold to traders for Credits, and many have no additional uses to make them worth holding onto instead; very occasionally you'll even find a cash box that just grants a nice injection of Credits, no middleman needed.

The game will helpfully flag to you if someone nearby would consider your light-fingeredness as actually "stealing" (which can cause issues like reputation damage with certain factions, or just starting fights with nearby NPCs). On the plus side, if there's no warning present, feel free to go nuts!

Cheat at Sabbacc

"Vanilla" Sabbacc, for lack of a better term, isn't necessarily all that lucrative for Kay unless she genuinely lucks into a good hand. You can, however, drastically alter the odds in your favour by cheating with Nix (using a variation on the same method as outlined above), or by applying better Sabbacc Shift Tokens once you've picked some up. To begin with you'll only have access to the most basic Shift Token: Free Draw, which is decent enough at providing an extra chance, but doesn't help you game the system very much.

However, as you progress through the game you can earn, win, buy, or steal much more powerful Shift Tokens, which can be utilised once per game to force better outcomes for yourself.

Bet on Fathier races

Star Wars' answer to a good old-fashioned flutter on the horses, Fathier races can potentially lead to a big payout with a well-placed bet. Of course, this is gambling, so there's a risk to be weighed up against the potential rewards; but also, this is Star Wars Outlaws, so naturally there's a way to fix the odds in your favour.

During the opening mission, you can steal a racing tip from a pal called Valek — along with the Credits he was planning to place down on the wager — and keep the profits for yourself when his literal dark horse outsider goes on to win the race. (This probably costs Kay a friendship, but don't worry, she'll have bigger problems to deal with before long.)

You can find similar tips throughout the game, although they won't necessarily be as clear-cut as Valek's. While Valek will give you a (randomised) name of the Fathier that will definitely go on to win the race, other tips go by partial descriptions that you then need to suss out for yourself if you want to take home the pot.

For more lucrative activities in Star Wars Outlaws, see our guide to completing slicing puzzles, or read up on whether your should sell Gorak's Ring.

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