Star Wars designer to keynote Develop
This year's Develop Conference will be keynoted by Iain McCaig, Lucasfilm's designer on Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III.
Develop reports Craig was responsible for the design of both Darth Maul and Queen Armidala.
In a presentation entitled Showtime! Craig will work with the audience to develop a story and characters, exploring the idea of visual storytelling as it pertains to both the film and games industries.
Other major keynotes include EA Sports' Andrew Wilson and Moshi Monsters' Michael Acton-Smith.
The Develop conference will be held in Brighton from July 19 to 21. Four further presentations have been confirmed so far; see the details below.
- One Price Does NOT Fit All - Noel Llopis, Snappy Touch
- Rolling from iPhone to console: Lessons learned from an independent developer - Simon Oliver, Hand Circus
- Bringing innovation to multiplatform development and deployment - Tim Closs, Ideaworks
- 45 Games in 45 Minutes: A Brisk Guide to Mobile Gaming Innovation - Stuart Dredge, Freelance Journalist