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Star Wars Battlefront's gameplay trailer shows how to destroy a Death Star

Star Wars Battlefront is finally starting to look like the classic shooter fans hoped for.

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Star Wars Battlefront's gameplay trailer shows how to destroy a Death Star

Electronic Arts has been revealing quite a bit about Star Wars Battlefront's new Death Star expansion, from its new Battle Station mode to the mechanics behind Chewbacca and Bossk. But frankly that simply doesn't compare to seeing the assault in action, and the new Death Star gameplay trailer delivers on that front.

Battlefront's Death Star trailer depicts all three previously discussed Battle Station phases. The first is a return to the classic Battlefront's space combat, as Rebels lead X-Wings and A-Wings against an Imperial Star Destroyer. If the Rebels manage to take the Star Destroyer down, they lead an assault force into the Death Star to retrieve R2D2 and his essential intelligence. The final phase heads to the Death Star trench, where Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader race towards a climatic conflict.

Hearing about the Battle Station mode was exciting enough, but watching it unfold absolutely stirs emotions in the hearts of long-time fans. Everything from (finally) unveiling space combat, to Chewbacca's arrival, to the Trench battle is a strong reminder of why everyone was so excited to see Battlefront return in the first place.

Of course, the real question is whether said gameplay will hold up at launch, considering Battlefront itself didn't exactly have much staying power. Still, given the return of classic space combat and Battlefront's new single-player mode, perhaps the Force actually will be with this game once again.

Star Wars Battlefront: Death Star launches on September 20, 2016.

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