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Sparks fly over Konami's Six Days in Fallujah


Unsurprisingly, knickers have been got very much in a twist of Konami's Iraq War game, Six Days in Fallujah.

The title, announced yesterday, is based on 2004's Battle for Fallujah, one of the War's major set pieces.

"Considering the enormous loss of life in the Iraq War, glorifying it in a video game demonstrates very poor judgement and bad taste," said the father of a British marine killed in the conflict, speaking to the Daily Mail.

"These horrific events should be confined to the annals of history, not trivialised and rendered for thrill-seekers to play out."

Former colonel Tim Collins OBE, a decorated Iraq War veteran, shared the view.

"It's much too soon to start making video games about a war that's still going on, and an extremely flippant response to one of the most important events in modern history," he said.

"It's particularly insensitive given what happened in Fallujah, and I will certainly oppose the release of this game."

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