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Sony FY2009 results: $890M loss, PS3 moves 13M units


Sony has released its financial results for its fiscal year 2009, which ended on March 31, 2010, and the good news for the company is that PS3 has moved 13M units to date worldwide, which is up 2.9M YoY.

The bad news? Revenues dropped 10.2 percent from $188.6B to $169.4B YoY, however - its operating loss of $938.6M last year was better this year at $890 million.

The losses are being contributed to PSP and PS2 drops, with the handheld's sales falling 4.2M year-over-year and PS2 falling to 7.3M in 2009 compared to 7.9M its last fiscal year.

PS2 software fell from 83.5M units to 35.7M, and PSP saw a 50.3M drop to 44.4M YoY.

For its current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2011, Sony estimates that it will move 15M PS3s, PSP will move 8M and PS2 will blow through 6M.

"Game sales decreased due to unfavorable foreign currency exchange rates and decreases in unit sales of PSP hardware and of PS2 software, although unit sales of PS3 software increased," the company wrote in its financial report.

It should be noted, that Sony's game division is now part of its Networked Products & Services division, which includes its VAIO PCs, which also saw an increase in sales during Q4, but the computer's sales were down for the  entire year.

Get the full thing through here and a lovely chart through here.

Thanks, Mike.

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