SOE wants Star Wars: Galaxies to go out with a bang
SOE plans to close Star Wars: Galaxies on December 15, and it wants it to close with a nice big bang. Sort of like what happened with the Death Star near Yavin 4.
Or the second Death Star's big boom over Endor. Either way.
SOE plans on building up the Galactic Civil War SWG, and and plans on adding new events and ways to earn points for both sides of the respective war.
Before the game closes completely scores will be tallied up to figure out which side is the winner, which will itself determine the ending of the game.
Those who chose to be a neutral party in the fight will be able to participate as well.
You have until September 15 to subscribe or make sure your account is in good standing to play a part in the final battle. Registrations will cease on that date.
Hit up the official forums for more information.
Thanks, Massively.