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Skyrim Special Edition comparison video shows the PS4 build is head-and-shoulders above the PS3

Skyrim? Who wants to play more Skyrim? I don't want to play more S- oh wow, that is rather pretty isn't it.

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Skyrim Special Edition drops this week and I am wavering, cats; I am painfully close to chasing that dragon again.

I put something like 160 hours into Skyrim on PC, and I thought I was over it. My gaming rig is getting a bit past it nowadays, so I don't think upgrading to the Special Edition is worth it, and surely I've seen and done everything I need to by now.

But ... have you seen how good Skyrim Special Edition looks on PS4? The video above compares and contrasts with the PS3 build, which certainly wasn't ugly. Suddenly I'm having thoughts like "you never did try that wacky vampire mage build", "wouldn't it be nice to do a Greybeards run?" and "imagine playing Skyrim comfortably, on your couch". Help me. I have a lot to do after the next few months. I can't go back to Skyrim. Talk me out of this.

The video is from PlayStation Access, AKA PlayStation UK's official social channel, and I wasn't able to dig up an Xbox equivalent. If you've found one, do share; I'd be very interested to see how it shapes up, given that the Xbox 360 version of Skyrim had certain advantages over the PS3, such as not being total bollocks for the first six months.

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