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Shenmue 3 Kickstarter adds new stretch goals

Having raised $3.1 million in just two days, the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter is well on the way to meeting its stretch goals.


We've already unlocked cinematic shorts focused on the first two Shenmue games, as well as subtitle translations in four languages. In the hopes of driving even more donations, the team has revealed some further ambitions in a campaign update. The four new goals raise the bar by another $1 million in total.

"The next Stretch Goals on the list will add new systems to Shenmue 3 that will give a huge boost to the gameplay", says Ys Net's update. "The Rapport System will add a depth of story, interactivity and character development that only Yu Suzuki can bring. The Skill Tree System will give Ryo a new way to level up and specialize his fighting move set."

The newly announced goals flesh out the game's Baisha Village with additional missions and a new character system which "will really let you explore the world of Shenmue through the different character personalities."

That's not all the developer has in store: the update assures us that there are still plenty more goals to be revealed as donations continue to climb.

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