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Sega to bring 3D enabled Ecco the Dolphin and Sonic the Hedgehog to 3DS

Sega has announced it will be bringing eight classic games, including Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage and Ecco the Dolphin to the 3DS as part of the 3D Classics range, in which older games get tweaked to utilise the system's 3D. The titles will set you back $6 each and will be released two per week across December. Check out how long you'll have to wait for Sonic after the jump.

11/28/13: Space Harrier, Super Hang-On
12/05/13: Sonic The Hedgehog, Altered Beast
12/12/13: Ecco the Dolphin, Galaxy Force II
12/19/13: Shinobi III, Streets of Rage

If you'd like to get an idea for how the 3D might look in these games, Nintendo has previously rereleased Excitebike and Kid Icarus as 3D classics.

Thanks, Gamespot.

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