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See 40 minutes of gamescom DOTA 2 stream

If you missed out on the livestream of the $1 million DOTA 2 tournament at gamescom, check out 40 minutes of gameplay from the best players in the world.

Ukraine's Na'Vi and China's eHome were among the 16 hand-picked teams selected to be the first to play DOTA 2, and their weeks of secret preparation ahead of the game's public debut obviously paid off.

The two teams battle for supremacy in the video below; Na'Vi walked away victorious. If you're an eSports fan, or just keen on the rapidly accelerating MOBA scene in general, you need to watch this.

The highly anticipated, Valve-developed sequel to the original Warcraft III scenario will go into beta in the next few weeks, and is expected to release before the end of the year.

Thanks, GameRevolution.

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