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Screen Australia divvies up $20 million games fund

Screen Australia has decided how it will spend the $20 million Interactive Games Fund over the next few years.

The current budget, which was put together in consultation with industry parties, has divided the fund into five streams of annual payments:

  • $4–5 million through Games Production, supporting games developers to produce individual games.
  • $2–3 million through Games Enterprise, supporting games development businesses to develop and enhance their sustainability, as well as fund ongoing development of their games projects.
  • $2–3 million through Multi-platform Drama Production, supporting individual multi-platform drama projects including innovative broadcast and online projects; targeted funds will also support multi-platform extensions for appropriate Screen Australia-funded film and television projects.
  • Up to $2 million through Signature Documentary, expanded with an additional $500,000 to incorporate interactive and multi-platform projects as well as distinctive linear projects, supporting bold documentary storytelling for online and mobile platforms as well as big screen film festivals.
  • Approximately $400,000 for sector development and special initiatives.

The full details are available as a PDF file; it's hoped the guidelines will be finalised by March 11 following feedback. Eligible parties have until March 1 to apply for a slice of the funding.

Thanks, Kotaku.

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