Rumor: Activision looking to buy Take-Two [Updated]
Update: An Activision rep, unsurprisingly, replied to us with a quick, no frills "Activision doesn't comment on industry rumor and speculation." As always, we'll fall back on an old cliche: that's not a "no."
Original Story: "Saw it coming."
Said the man who got blindsided by a speeding train.
According to a senior executive who spoke with MCV, Activision's not letting the death of multiple major franchises and the resultant lay-offs get it down. Nope, it's time for a shopping spree! The target? The entirety of Take-Two Interactive.
"There are very strong rumours amongst people at a very senior level within the global business," the unnamed executive said.
"But there're not much more than that at the moment – they are just rumours. And, of course, given Activision's news this week, everyone is now looking to see what their next move is. But you can definitely put two and two together and make four-ish."
This, of course, wouldn't be the first time Activision's unhinged its jaw and gobbled up a giant. It became one with Blizzard back in 2008 - a move with which both parties have been vocally pleased.
It would also help expand Activision's narrowing stable of franchises, which - in addition to heavy hitters like Call of Duty, Warcraft, and StarCraft - includes Prototype, Spider-Man, X-Men, and James Bond.
Of course, the last time someone loved Take-Two some much that they tried to put a ring on it, well, things didn't go so well. EA offered more than the company was actually worth, and it still wouldn't budge.
We've contacted both parties to see if there's any truth at all to the claim. We'll let you know as soon as we hear back.