Rock Band 3 to Rock Band 4 song export available
Everyone everywhere can now bring their Rock Band 3 favourites into Rock Band 4.
Rock Band 4 now supports the on-disc setlist of Rock Band 3. To get these 83 songs, you'll need to download them as DLC, under the title Rock Band 3 Export Pack.
Xbox One and North American PS4 players have had access for a week, but with the addition of European PSN support it should work everywhere as long as your local weekly PSN update has arrived. PS4 users will have to download the tracks individually, unfortunately.
The feature is initiated through the in-game menu and works by automatically verifying your ownership of Rock Band 3 based on console network ID. Harmonix said that users who believe they're entitled to the content but haven't beed verified should contact its customer support.
Below you'll find instructions for both consoles. Make sure you're connected to the Internet and logged in with a console profile that owns Rock Band 3 to proceed.
Harmonix said recently it's making export of other game libraries a priority, although you will need to have exported these older games in the past.
Xbox One
- Start Rock Band 4.
- Navigate to “Get More Songs”.
- Scroll down to the new tab, “Exports”.
- Select “Rock Band 3”.
- Select “RB3 Disc Export Pack”.
- If you have been verified, you will be taken through to a first-party purchase screen to complete the Rock Band 3 export.
- Once you have purchased the export pack, you should see a confirmation screen that you have successfully purchased the Rock Band 3 export pack. You'll now be able to download the export just like you would for any other piece of content.
- Once complete, navigate to your song library. The exported Rock Band 3 tracks should be available in your song library to play! Be sure to restart Rock Band 4 if you do not see your recently downloaded tracks in-game immediately.
- Start Rock Band 4.
- Navigate to “Get More Songs”.
- Scroll down to the new tab, “Exports”.
- Select “Rock Band 3”.
- Select “RB3 Disc Export Pack”.
- If you have been verified, you will be taken through to a first-party purchase screen to complete the Rock Band 3 export.
- Once you have purchased the export pack, you should see a confirmation screen that you have successfully purchased the Rock Band 3 export pack. From here, you will be able to download each individual single from the pack of 83 tracks. Press the white arrow located next to each track to begin the download process.
- Once complete, navigate to your song library. The exported Rock Band 3 tracks should be available in your song library to play! Be sure to restart Rock Band 4 if you do not see your recently downloaded tracks in-game immediately.
- You can always navigate to the "Add-Ons" section of Rock Band 4 in the Main Menu to download any individual tracks you did not initially download from the purchase completion screen.