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Rezzed 2020 - Tickets Available Now

Tickets for Rezzed 2020 are available now

You can now buy your tickets for Rezzed 2020 here.

Rezzed will be held March 26 - 28 2020. It’s the biggest collection of indie games in Europe, with more than 200 different games of all types expected to be playable at the show.

Needless to say, it’s pretty great.

As with previous years, Rezzed is held at the wonderfully quirky Tobacco Dock in London.

Much loved gaming personalities from the likes of Outside Xbox and Dicebreaker are
already confirmed for the 2020 show, with Outside Xbox bringing their ever-popular
Oxventure Dungeons & Dragons show on both Friday 27th and Saturday 28th.

The show will also include:
Leftfield Collection
Meet & Greets
EGX Theatre
Rezzed Sessions
Fringe Theatre
EGX Live
Tabletop games Career Fair
Portfolio Reviews

Stay tuned to the EGX Rezzed Twitter for all the news and updates on the show - including what games will be playable as they’re announced!

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