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Reminder: PS3 firmware 3.40, PlayStation Plus now available [Update]


Update: For all Euro members who got a year's sub to PS Plus, LittleBigPlanet is now on the PS Store for free. It comes in at a hefty 2039Mb.

Original Story: Remember that thing Sony tried to fit around Kevin Butler's speech at E3? We think it was called a "press conference" or something like that. Anyway, at some point after Butler left and our hearts went with him, Sony toted out some videogame thing called PlayStation Plus. That plus, though, isn't just a boring old math symbol. Instead, it's like a pinata, which is the opposite of math. Just take a swing at it with your £39.99 subscription bat and all kinds of goodies spill out.

The best part? It's available right now.

The PlayStation Blog sends word that firmware update 3.40 has officially gone live. In addition to PlayStation Plus, it's also packing a networked photo gallery, a video editing tool, a PlayStation Store five-star rating system, and a power save setting for your PS3.

Just log on to PSN and it's all yours. Enjoy!

Thanks, Monk.

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