Quick quotes - "I don't think I'm doing art, I'm doing what I believe in," says Cage
"Do I consider myself doing art? Honestly, certainly not. I don't think I'm doing art. I'm just doing it by passion, and I'm doing what I believe in. If something of what we create today, people still talk about it 50 years from now, then we'll say, 'Okay, it was art.' But that's really not something I have in mind every morning. Honestly, I don't care. I spend a year writing this stuff. It's one year of my life doing this from morning to night, non-stop, for a year. And I put [in] a lot of myself. I'm not talking about me -- I'm talking about what I feel, what I think. In that sense, yeah, I think I'm an auteur, in a way." - Dave Cage to Gamasutra.