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PSP Yakuza demo out now


Feel like kicking people in the face? Have a PSP? Hit the link.

4Gamer's posted up a demo for PSP's Black Panther: New Yakuza Chapter.

Anyone can grab it, regardless of geography. You'll soon be fighting virtual men with gay abandon, no matter your nationality.

As Andriasang reports, you'll receive a code at the end of the demo that'll unlock some mystery content in the full game.

Thanks, Joystiq.

The game releases in Japan on September 22.

Get a trailer below.

Yakuza 5

Yakuza PSP's gotten a massive story-based debut trailer. Interested? Watch it after the break.

The game's cut-scenes are also set to a graphical style of a digital graphic novel, similar to the clips in Metal Gear Solid titles for PSP. Looking slick there, Ringo.

The game, known as "Kurohyu: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinshou" in Japan - which roughly translates as "Black Leopard: A New Yakuza Chapter" in English - will release in the country on September 22.

Get the trailer below.

Thanks, AGB.

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