PSA: PSN maintenance tomorrow in Europe brings some titles offline
Sony will be bringing 13 games offline tomorrow, September 25, for maintenance, meaning those who have a European PSN account will not be able to log into the games online between 5.00am and 12.00pm BST.
According to a post on the PS Blog, the period may be extended for some titles and corresponding websites.
Here is the list of games being taken offline, courtesy of Joystiq:
- Buzz! (PS3)
- Combat Ops (PSP)
- EyePet (PS3)
- Gravity Crash (PS3)
- Killzone 3 (including website)
- MotorStorm 3 (including website)
- MotorStorm (PSP) (including website)
- PSP Comics website
- SingStar (including website)
- Super Stardust (PSP)
- WipEout HD