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PS4 launching October, will cost £300 says tabloid rag

PS4 will launch in October with a ballpark £300 price-tag according to UK tabloid The Sun. Swallow your heavily-salted Salt n' Shake crisps and venture onward.

MCV reports that pre-facing an interview with Sony exec Andrew House, The Sun writes that PS4 is, "believed to be coming out in October” and added “experts believe [PS4] could retail for about £300”.

No source is listed.

Anyhow, further on Andrew House did make clear Sony's intent to capture both the hardcore and casual market with PS4 - because believe it or not that IS actually possible without compromising either side people.

Said House, "We are not going down the route of making the console pink of course. I think the key is to have people — and increasingly women — with different sensibilities creating different games. It is not all about shoot ’em up games. The key is getting games developers — who are going to make the next Angry Birds — excited about the PS4. And they are.”

Thoughts folks?

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