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Production on Metro 2033 DLC has started, multiplayer not possible


THQ and 4A announced today on the official Facebook page for Metro 2033 that production has started on DLC for the game.

Looks like the "wait and see" approach didn't take so long after all.

According to the post, a Title Update went live for Metro 2033 on Xbox 360 to allow the game to accept DLC further down the line.

"With the game now finished, we have been turning our thoughts to potential DLC," read the post. "We’ve got some ideas, but nothing we can talk about right now other than to say it won't be new single player narrative content, 'missing levels' or anything like that - it's something we're only just starting production on.

"And no, it's not multiplayer. That would be very cool, but sadly not possible."

The Title Update also added a new Weapon Select system tailored to the 360 pad, changing it from the typical PC set-up. Feedback from players stated that a more "console-friendly system" would work better, and the devs listened.

There was also an in-game brightness setting added in the update.

To get an idea of how the new control scheme works, hit the Facebook link above.

Metro 2033 was released in the US yesterday, and is out this Friday in the UK.

Thanks, IncGamers.

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