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Pokemon Sun and Moon’s fifth global mission needs you to hatch over 200,000 eggs [Update]

Pokemon Sun and Moon's global mission bonus target rockets up to 400,000 and players have already met the bonus goal.

pokemon egg pikachu


After going live yesterday, Pokémon Sun and Moon players have already blasted through the initial goal of hatching 20,000 goal eggs, meeting the bonus goal of 400,000 eggs.

The event is still live, so you can still get in on the rewards: 2,000 FC points, 4,000 FC points and a Love Ball for players with games tied to a Global Link account. Thanks, Siliconera.

Original Story

's fifth global mission kicked off this week, and the goal is for all participants to hatch at least 200,000 eggs.

To get in on the action, visit Festival Plaza and speak to the receptionist in the castle. Then head to Paniola Ranch to start discovering eggs.

"You can discover Eggs when you leave Pokémon at the Pokémon Nursery at Paniola Ranch on Akala Island. The Pokémon Breeder outside the Nursery will discover Eggs if you leave a male and female Pokémon from the same Egg Group, or if you leave a Pokémon (male or female) with a Ditto.

"Once you have the Egg, walk around with it until it hatches! Can’t wait for it to hatch? Keep a Pokémon with either the Flame Body or Magma Armor Ability in your party and your Egg will hatch twice as fast."

If everyone hits the collective target of 200,000 eggs hatched, Trainers will earn 2,000 Festival Coins, while PGL members will earn 4,000. If they fall short, they'll get 200 and 400 Festival Coins respectively.

The bonus goal of 400,000 hatched eggs will net PGL members a Love Ball, and regardless of whether any of the targets are met, PGL members who contribute at least three hatched eggs will be rewarded with five Rare Candies.

It's free to sign up for PGL membership, so if you're enjoying the global missions, you have until the end of the event to create and sync an account for bigger rewards.

The fifth global mission began on Monday 27 March and will run until April 10.

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