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Pokemon Quest Move List and Move Learning: How to Teach Pokemon New Moves, Best Moves

If you want to build the best possible team in Pokemon Quest, you'll need to know how to teach your pokemon new moves. That means you'll need to use the Pokemon Quest Move Training Feature. It' a lot to take in at first, but don't worry. We've been busy putting together this Pokemon Quest Moves Guide, which gives you a ton of info on moves in Pokemon Quest. There's a full list of moves, what the Best Pokemon Quest moves are, how to teach your pokemon new moves, and more.

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Pokemon Quest Moves

Pokemon are equipped with two moves that they can use in battle. These vary from offensive short and long-ranged attacks, to more defensive moves, which can be powered up with Move Stones. Swapping moves in Pokemon Quest can be a little confusing,that's why we’ve gathered together all of the details on how to teach pokemon new moves in Pokemon Quest.

Pokemon Quest Move Learning Training Explained

To swap or learn moves in Pokemon Quest, you have to use the Pokemon Quest Move Learning Training feature. This game be located in the “Edit Team” menu, just select the pokemon you want to teach moves to, and head to the training section. There are two option for pokemon training. For now, ignore the Level-Up Training and switch the tab over to Move Learning.

From here, there'll be two possible moves that your pokemon can learn, along with a percentage success rate. You’ll need to add in four supporting pokemon to increase the percentage success rate. You’re going to want to prioritize supporting pokemon which are the same type as the one you are training, as this will lead to a larger percentage increase. You can select the move you want to replace and then click “start training”. You will gain a new move depending on which pokemon you put in and the level and evolution state of the pokemon you are training. It doesn’t seem possible to select a particular move to learn, so it’s mostly down to luck.

Pokemon Quest Best Moves

Different expeditions will call for different pokemon and moves. Even so, there are some moves in pokemon Quest that are undoubtedly btter than others. The following list has all of the best moves you can teach your pokemon in Pokemon Quest:

  • Bulk Up - When combined with a Share Stone, Bulk Up can give your team a significant buff
  • Hydro Pump - The undisputed king of damage-dealing attacks
  • Psychic - Also a great choice for attacking pokemon, for example it's the best move for Alakazam in Pokemon Quest

Pokemon Quest Move List - Full List of Moves in Pokemon Quest

Below is a full list of moves that your pokemon can learn in Pokemon Quest, complete with descriptions for each one.

Acid ArmorThe user alters its cellular structure to liquefy itself, reducing the damage it takes for a while.
Aerial AceThe user quickly slashes in front of itself twice, dealing damage.
AgilityThe user relaxes and lightens its body, raising its movement speed for a while.
AmnesiaThe user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns, raising the amount of damage it deals and making it more resistant to negative effects.
Aqua JetThe user charges at enemies in front of itself with tremendous speed, dealing damage to them.
Aqua RingThe user envelops itself in a veil made of water, restoring some of its HP.
AstonishThe user tries to startle enemies directly in front of itself, damaging those taken by surprise.
Aurora VeilThe user cloaks itself in a veil of light, reducing the amount of damage it takes for a while.
BarrierThe user throws up a wall around itself, lowering the amount of damage it takes for a while.
Belly DrumThe user uses its own HP to raise all of its stats for a while.
BlizzardThe user moves about while creating a blizzard centered on itself. Deals damage to enemies around the user and sometimes freezes them.
BonemerangThe user throws a boomerang made of bone, damaging enemies hit by it.
BounceThe user bounces forward high into the air twice, damaging enemies it hits.
BubbleThe user fires bubbles in three directions. Deals damage to enemies hit by the bubbles and sometimes lowers their movement speed.
Bulk UpThe user tenses its muscles to bulk up its body, raising the damage it deals for a while. This also reduces the damage the user takes.
Bullet SeedThe user sends several seeds flying out in front of itself simultaneously, damaging enemies hit by them.
ChargeThe user stores up electricity, raising the damage it deals and making it resistant to negative effects for a while.
CharmThe user makes surrounding enemies less wary with its cute behavior, often reducing the amount of damage they deal.
Close CombatThe user gets right up on enemies in front of itself and smacks them with a single blow, damaging them. Sometimes raises the amount of damage the user takes.
Comet PunchThe user unleashes a flurry of punches on enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them.
Confuse RayThe user exposes surrounding enemies to a sinister ray, often confusing them.
Cross ChopThe user jumps toward enemies in front of itself and smacks them with a two handed chop, damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.
CrunchThe user takes aim and then bites on to enemies a short distance in front of itself, damaging them.
Dazzling GleamThe user moves about as it emits a powerful flash that damages enemies hit by it.
DigThe user digs a tunnel to travel beneath the feet of enemies in front of itself, then pops out from beneath them to damage them.
Draco MeteorThe user summons several meteors down around itself, damaging enemies hit by them. Sometimes reduces the amount of damage the user deals.
Dragon ClawThe user gathers its strength, then charges forward while spinning, damaging enemies with its sharp claws.
Dragon DanceThe user vigorously performs a mystic, powerful dance that raises the amount of damage it deals and its movement speed for a while.
Dragon PulseThe user sends a shock wave flying from its mouth, damaging enemies hit by it.
Dragon RushThe user flies into enemies a short distance from itself with great intensity, damaging them.
Drain PunchThe user fires a punch at enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. It also absorbs power with its fist, restoring its own HP.
Draining KissThe user kisses enemies directly in front of itself and damages them. Part of the damage dealt restores the user's HP.
Drill PeckThe user attacks enemies directly in front of itself with its sharp beak, damaging them.
Dynamic PunchThe user punches enemies directly in front of itself with its full, concentrated power. Sometimes confuses enemies.
EarthquakeThe user causes an earthquake that damages surrounding enemies.
Egg BombThe user scatters eggs around itself, damaging enemies hit by them.
Electric TerrainThe user gathers electrical power beneath itself, raising the damage it deals for a while.
ElectrowebThe user spreads an electric net out directly in front of itself, lowering the movement speed of enemies hit by it for a while.
EmberThe user fires sparks in front of itself that split and run in three directions when they hit the ground. Deals damage to enemies they hit. Sometimes burns enemies.
ExplosionThe user causes a tremendous explosion, dealing huge damage to surrounding enemies. The trade off is that the user takes enough damage to knock itself out.
Extreme SpeedThe user charges into enemies in front of itself with blinding speed, damaging them.
Fire BlastThe user sprays an all consuming fire on the ground, damaging enemies hit by it and sometimes burning them.
Fire PunchThe user imbues its fist with the power of flames, and strikes enemies directly in front of it with a burning punch. Deals damage and sometimes burns enemies.
Fire SpinThe user creates flames all around itself and fires them off in a spiral. Deals damage to enemies they hit. Sometimes burns enemies.
FlailThe user flails about, damaging enemies it hits.
Flame ChargeThe user stores up the power of flames, raising the damage it deals for a while.
Flame WheelThe user cloaks itself in fire and charges forward, damaging enemies it hits and sometimes burning them.
FlamethrowerThe user continuously breathes out long flames for a while. Deals damage to enemies as long as they remain in the flames. Sometimes burns enemies.
Flare BlitzThe user creates a path of flames in front of itself and charges forward along it. Deals damage to enemies. Sometimes burns enemies.
FlashThe user suddenly flashes a bright light at surrounding enemies, often lowering their movement speed.
Flash CannonThe user focuses all of its light energy into a single point and fires a beam in front of itself, sometimes raising the amount of damage enemies take.
FlatterThe user flatters enemies in front of itself, which confuses them but raises the amount of damage they deal and reduces the amount of damage they take.
FlyThe user flies toward enemies far in front of itself, then swoops down to deal damage to them.
Focus EnergyThe user takes a deep breath and focuses, raising the amount of damage it deals for a while.
Follow MeThe user grabs the attention of surrounding enemies, forcing them to target it.
Fury SwipesThe user repeatedly swipes at enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them.
Giga ImpactThe user focuses every bit of its power and charges toward enemies in front of itself, dealing huge damage to them.
GrowlThe user growls in an endearing way, making surrounding enemies less wary and often reducing the amount of damage they deal.
GustThe user sends an intense gust of wind out in front of itself that whirls around and damages enemies hit by it.
HardenThe user stiffens its body, lowering the damage it takes for a while.
Heat WaveThe user exhales hot breath in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by it and sometimes burning them.
High Jump KickAfter charging toward enemies in front of itself, the user jumps up and deals damage with a knee kick. The user also takes recoil damage.
HurricaneThe user whips up an intense wind around itself, damaging surrounding enemies and sometimes confusing them.
Hydro PumpThe user shoots four pillars of water up from the ground and sends them out in front of itself. Deals damage to enemies hit by them.
Hyper BeamThe user stores up power and then fires a tremendous beam at enemies. Deals severe damage to enemies it hits.
HypnosisThe user employs hypnotic suggestion, often making enemies in front of itself fall asleep.
Ice BeamThe user fires an icy cold beam at enemies in front of itself. Deals damage to enemies and sometimes freezes them.
Ice PunchThe user chills its fist and unleashes a freezing punch on enemies directly in front of it. Sometimes freezes enemies.
Icicle CrashThe user drops frigid icicles in front of itself. Deals damage to enemies hit by them and sometimes freezes them.
Icy WindThe user sends a freezing gust of chilled air at enemies in front of itself, damaging them. Sometimes lowers enemies' movement speed.
Iron DefenseThe user hardens its skin until it's like iron, lowering the damage it takes for a while.
Iron TailThe user swings its steel hard tail, damaging surrounding enemies and sometimes raising the amount of damage they take.
Lava PlumeThe user spouts scarlet flames all around itself. Deals damage to enemies around it. Sometimes burns enemies.
Leech LifeThe user drains the blood of enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. Part of the damage dealt is absorbed to restore the user's HP.
Leech SeedThe user plants a seed on the ground in front of itself. Enemies in range are gradually damaged. Part of the damage dealt is absorbed to restore the user's HP.
LeerThe user glares at nearby enemies to intimidate them, often raising the amount of damage they take.
LickThe user licks enemies all around itself with its long tongue, damaging them. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.
Light ScreenThe user creates a wall of light, making it harder for it to be affected by negative effects for a while.
LungeThe user lunges toward enemies in front of itself, damaging them.
MeditateThe user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body, raising the amount of damage it deals for a while.
Mega DrainThe user attacks enemies in front of itself, dealing damage to them. Some of the damage dealt is absorbed by the user, restoring its HP.
Mega PunchAfter approaching enemies in front of itself, the user slugs enemies directly in front of itself with a muscle packed punch, damaging them.
MegahornUsing its tough and impressive horn, the user rams into enemies in front of itself with no letup, dealing huge damage to them.
Metal ClawThe user rakes enemies in front of itself with its steel claws, dealing damage. Sometimes raises the amount of damage the user deals.
Metal SoundEnemies near the user are forced to listen to a horrible sound like metal scraping, often raising the amount of damage they take.
Mud BombThe user throws a lump of mud in front of itself that splits open when it hits the ground, damaging surrounding enemies and sometimes raising the amount of damage they take.
Mud-SlapThe user hurls mud in three directions, dealing damage to enemies hit by it. Sometimes reduces their movement speed.
Nasty PlotThe user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts, raising the amount of damage it deals for a while.
Night SlashThe user dashes forward, slashing surrounding enemies and damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.
OutrageThe user rampages about, attacking and damaging any enemies in its path. Sometimes confuses the user.
Petal DanceThe user spins in place, scattering petals that deal damage to enemies around it.
Pin MissileThe user shoots three sharp spikes in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.
Play RoughThe user plays rough with enemies in front of itself, damaging them. Sometimes lowers the damage enemies deal.
Poison PowderThe user scatters poison powder in front of itself, often poisoning enemies hit by it.
Poison StingThe user fires a poisonous stinger at enemies in front of itself. Sometimes poisons enemies hit by it.
Power-Up PunchThe user delivers a punch with its hard fist to enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. Often raises the amount of damage the user deals.
PsybeamThe user sends peculiar rays of light out in three directions, damaging enemies hit by them. Sometimes confuses enemies.
PsychicThe user creates a large, mysterious light and fires it out, dealing damage to enemies hit by it. Sometimes raises the amount of damage they take.
Psycho CutAfter moving forward, the user deals damage to enemies with blades formed by psychic power. Critical hits land more easily.
PsystrikeThe user creates a large orb of light in front of itself. The orb then splits into many smaller ones that fly out in all directions, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.
Rage PowderThe user scatters a cloud of irritating powder on itself, causing surrounding enemies to target it.
Razor LeafThe user launches sharp edged leaves to slash at enemies, damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.
RecoverRestoring its own cells, the user restores its HP.
RestThe user rests in place, greatly restoring its HP.
RoarThe user roars intensely, blowing away surrounding enemies.
Rock BlastThe user hurls hard rocks in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.
Rock PolishThe user polishes its body to reduce drag, raising its movement speed for a while.
Rock SmashThe user unleashes its fury, damaging enemies in a broad area nearby and destroying surrounding trees and rocks.
Rock ThrowThe user picks up two rocks and hurls them in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.
Rock TombThe user drops boulders directly in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them and sometimes lowering their movement speed.
Rolling KickThe user kicks as it spins in place, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.
RolloutThe user spins around, damaging surrounding enemies it smashes into.
RoostThe user briefly rests its body, restoring a bit of its HP.
SandstormThe user creates a sandstorm around itself, damaging enemies hit by it.
ScratchThe user rakes its hard, pointed claws over enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them.
Self-DestructThe user approaches enemies and causes an explosion, damaging all surrounding enemies. The tradeoff is that the user takes enough damage to knock itself out.
Shadow BallThe user hurls a shadowy blob in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by it. Sometimes raises the amount of damage they take.
Shore UpThe user gathers sand from beneath itself, restoring a bit of its HP.
Silver WindScales carried by the wind swirl around the user, damaging enemies hit by them. Some or all of the user's stats sometimes rise at random.
SingThe user sings to enemies around itself with its calming voice, often putting them to sleep.
Sky AttackAfter flying up and bracing itself, the user charges at enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.
SlamThe user slams nearby enemies with a long tail, vines, or the like, damaging all of them.
Sludge BombThe user shoots out a glob of sludge that splits open when it hits the ground, damaging surrounding enemies. Sometimes poisons enemies.
SmogThe user spews poison around itself, damaging enemies. Sometimes poisons enemies.
Soft-BoiledThe user restores its HP with the power of eggs.
Solar BeamThe user gathers light and unleashes it in front of itself, dealing damage to enemies hit by it.
SparkThe user charges its body with electricity and charges toward enemies in front of itself. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.
SpikesThe user scatters spikes in front of itself, damaging enemies that step on them.
SplashThe user splashes in place.
SporeThe user scatters sleep inducing spores directly in front of itself, often making enemies fall asleep.
Stealth RockThe user creates pillars of stone from the ground, damaging enemies hit by them.
Steel WingThe user charges at enemies in front of itself and smacks them with its hard wings, dealing damage. Sometimes reduces the amount of damage the user takes.
StompThe user stomps on enemies in front of itself with a big foot, damaging them.
String ShotThe user spews a sticky thread in three directions, creating nets that will damage enemies and often lower their movement speed.
Stun SporeThe user scatters numbing powder directly in front of itself. Often paralyzes enemies hit by it.
SubmissionThe user spins toward enemies in front of itself, smashing into them. Deals damage to enemies hit by the user as it whirls around.
SubstituteThe user puts out a substitute for itself that enemies are forced to attack.
Sucker PunchThe user briefly disappears and moves a short distance. It then charges toward enemies, damaging them.
SupersonicThe user generates odd sound waves from its body, often confusing surrounding enemies.
SurfThe user creates a wide wave and charges forward on it. Deals damage to enemies caught in the wave.
Sweet KissThe user kisses enemies directly in front of itself with a sweet, angelic kiss that often confuses them.
Swords DanceWith a frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit, the user raises the amount of damage it deals for a while.
SynthesisThe user absorbs light, raising the damage it deals for a while.
TackleThe user smashes into enemies in front of itself with all its might, damaging them.
TailwindThe user creates an intense swirling wind that raises its movement speed for a while.
Take DownThe user slams into enemies in front of itself with a reckless, full body charge, damaging all enemies hit by it. The user also takes recoil damage.
TauntThe user taunts surrounding enemies, forcing them to target it.
TeleportThe user utilizes its psychic powers to teleport. (Meta? for positioning?)
ThunderThe user strikes the area in front of itself with a lightning bolt. Deals damage to nearby enemies. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.
Thunder PunchThe user charges its fist with electricity and unleashes a shocking punch on enemies directly in front of itself, sometimes paralyzing them.
Thunder ShockAfter storing up electricity, the user fires it toward enemies in front of itself, dealing damage to them. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.
ThunderboltThe user discharges tremendous electricity all around itself. Deals damage to enemies around the user. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.
ToxicThe user sprays a powerful poison around itself, often poisoning enemies hit by it.
TransformWhen Ditto transforms into another Pokemon, this changes into a move that Pokemon can learn.
Tri AttackThe user's body is imbued with three powers as it attacks enemies in front of itself, damaging them. Sometimes burns, paralyzes, or freezes enemies.
TwisterThe user whips up several tornadoes and sends them out in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.
U-turnAfter attacking surrounding enemies, the user moves back to dodge enemies' counterattacks.
Venom DrenchThe user spews poison in front of itself, sometimes raising the amount of damage enemies take.
Vine WhipThe user strikes enemies in front of itself with whiplike vines. Deals damage to enemies hit by them.
Volt TackleAfter electrifying itself and charging toward enemies, the user jumps and discharges electricity, damaging enemies hit by it and sometimes paralyzing them.
WaterfallThe user approaches enemies in front of itself and creates a pillar of water beneath them. This deals damage to enemies it hits.
WhirlpoolThe user creates a whirlpool around itself. Deals damage to enemies around the user.
WhirlwindThe user whips up a strong wind around itself, blowing away enemies hit by it.
Will-O-WispThe user drapes itself with sinister flames and attacks enemies directly in front of it. Often burns enemies.
WithdrawThe user withdraws into its hard shell, reducing the amount of damage it takes for a while.
Work UpThe user is roused, raising the amount of damage it deals and reducing the amount of damage it takes for a while.
Zen HeadbuttThe user focuses its willpower to its head, then smashes it into enemies directly in front of itself, dealing damage to enemies hit by it.

You can change the properties of your existing move using Move Stones, so consider altering the moves you have before swapping them out. That's all you need to know about how to teach new moves to Pokemon in Pokemon Quest.

For more on the game, why not check out our Pokemon Quest Bingo Bonus guide to see how they affect your pokemon, or our Pokemon Quest Recipes and Cooking guide.

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