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Pokemon Let’s Go Shiny Pokemon - How to Find Shiny Pokemon and Increase Shiny Spawn Odds

Shiny Pokemon are incredibly hard to come by in Pokemon games, and they always have been. There are very few solid methods to obtaining a Shiny Pokemon, and even then your odds are slim. In this Pokemon Let's Go Shiny Pokemon guide, we'll be walking you through how to find Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Let's Go.

How to Get Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee

Firstly, what’s the big fuss about Shiny Pokemon? Basically speaking, Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare versions of base Pokemon, although their bonuses are purely cosmetic, not offering any stat boosts in battle. There are Shiny versions of all 151 Pokemon in the PokeDex of Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee.

So how can you tell if a Pokemon is a Shiny version? Each Shiny Pokemon will look distinctly different to their basic counterpart. For example, a shiny Mew will be blue, standing out from its normal color. Shiny Pokemon have basically become collectors items over the past few years in Pokemon Go.

Pokemon Let's Go Shiny Spawn Odds

As for how you can go about catching Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, there’s only one known method, and even then it doesn’t work every time. The only known way of obtaining Shiny Pokemon is to maintain a massive catch combo streak.

A catch combo streak is where you catch the same Pokemon, multiple times in a row, without accidentally catching a different Pokemon, or letting a Pokemon run away. This is obviously a challenge to maintain, and so for a full walkthrough of how to maintain a huge combo streak, head over to our Pokemon Let’s Go catch combos guide.

Unfortunately, the catch combo is the only known way of coming across Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee. But, if we find another way of obtaining the elusive type of creatures, we’ll make sure to update this guide straight away.

Now that we’re all done with this particular guide, you can check out our other guides on the latest Pokemon game. Head over to our Pokemon Let’s Go Mew guide, or our page on how to transfer Pokemon to Pokemon Let’s Go.

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