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Is Sony working on the PlayStation Vita 3000? [UPDATE]

The patent that surfaced this week for what was presumed to be a rumored PlayStation Vita 3000 slim model is not what it appears to be.

PS vita 3000


According to DualShockers, the trademark was filed for a positional change to the face buttons only. It's also only a mock up (or a model if you will).

The only differences between the current model and the one in the schematics are round instead of oval start, select and PS buttons.

Original story is as follows.

Post updated 4/2/15 (SNN)

Original Story

Sony has filed a trademark for what seems to be their next handheld - the PlayStation Vita 3000.

The patent, filed on April 1 describes "a portable LCD screen game machine controller" while NeoGAF has identified what appears to be an HDMI port, as well as L2 & R2 triggers.

Here's the image seen in the tweet:


If this isn't a belated April Fool's joke, it's a shame they're sticking with the LCD screens, rather than the OLED. But a single tweet is all we've got to go on for now.

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