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PlayStation Plus is about to suffer a big Final Fantasy exodus, but that pales in comparison to the real tragedy

Sure, we all love a good JRPG, but the monster trucks driving off into the sunset is far, far worse.

Some Final Fantasy characters and a monster truck.
Image credit: VG247/Square Enix/THQ Nordic

Hello there, a whole bunch of games are set to leave Playstation Plus next month. There are 25 of them, to be exact, and some pretty big names are on that list. A smorgasbord of Final Fantasy titles, for example. Though, that's not what you should be most concerned about. Monster Jam Steel Titans 2 is leaving too, and to be honest, I don't think the service will ever recover from that.

First, the rest of them (thanks, PushSquare). If you're itching to play Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 9, Final Fantasy 10/10-2, Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age, and Final Fantasy 15: Royal Edition, all of which I can confirm are Final Fantasy games, you'll have to do so prior to May 21.

You shouldn't do that though, you should fire up the PS4 version of Monster Jam Steel Titans 2, and treat yourself to that before it too disappears on 21 days into next month. Why? Well, because it's a video game that's got monster trucks in it, and will let you do all sorts of fun things with them. There's racing, freestyle trick battles, and even some themed free-roam worlds to explore that're designed to suit the aesthetics of certain trucks.

Look, I know Final Fantasy titles have some amazing stories and characters in them, and you're now looking Monster Jam Steel Titans 2's Metacritic and saying to yourself 'this looks really mid, even for a racing game'. But does FF have Grave Digger in it? Does it let you pop a wheelie or do a flip in a big, silly toy that's designed to look like a big bull's head, or an alien spaceship, or a zombie?

No, it doesn't, so I'm sorry, but you need to spend these final weeks of PS Plus Extra and Premium's current loadouts playing Monster Jam Steel Titans 2. Ok, rant over. Interestingly, most of the full list of games leaving the service on May 21 are for PS4.

In addition to the games, I've already mentioned, the list includes World of Final Fantasy, Abzu, Adr1ft, How to Survive 2, The Artful Escape, Ashen, Last Stop, I Am Dead, Absolver: Downfall, and My Friend Pedro. That's not it though, The Messenger, Jotun, Sundered, ELEX, Minit, Observation, and, finally, This is the Police one and two, round out the list.

Hey, at least Dave the Diver's just arrived on the service to counteract all of these departures just a little bit.

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