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PS4 (Page 773)

Most Wanted: Our Next-Gen Launch Titles of Choice

Most Wanted: Our Next-Gen Launch Titles of Choice

The PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One will both be with us by the end of the year. The USgamer team scratches its collective chins (and strokes beards where applicable) and attempts to figure out what each platform's "must-have" launch titles will be.
Final Fantasy XIV Review

Final Fantasy XIV Review

Against all odds, Square Enix's second attempt at a Final Fantasy MMO is back for another shot at glory. Does it have what it takes to survive in a market that has changed significantly in the last few years, or should Yoshi-P have left Eorzea crushed beneath Bahamut's wrath?
JPgamer: The Next Generation

JPgamer: The Next Generation

In this week's round-up of all things Japanese, we ask where all the Japanese next-gen games are, and there's news on Guided Fate Paradox, Idea Factory, Bunny Must Die, "Western JRPG" Septerra Core and a teaser from Treasure.