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Persona 5 Royal Faith Confidant guide and choices

You shall go to the ball

You need to max out the Persona 5 Royal Faith Confidant, Kasumi’s Confidant, if you want to unlock the third semester and reach the game’s true ending. It also unlocks some of the best abilities in the game.

Kasumi’s Confidant works a bit differently than others, though and you only get access to half of it until much later in the game. Her schedule is also tighter than your other friends’, so while it may be tempting to leave Kasumi’s Confidant until later, you should take advantage of every opportunity to hang out with her.

As with all Confidants in Persona 5 Royal, you can boost your relationship with Kasumi faster if you include a Persona of the matching Arcana during rank up events – Faith, in this case, if the name weren’t a giveaway. This guide uses point values for answers with a matching Persona in your roster, so adjust the point value down by 1 if you don’t have one on hand.

Faith Personas are difficult to come by early on unless you boost Joker’s level fairly quickly. Phoenix is the first Faith Persona you can fuse starting at level 21 using Kodama and Pixie or Bicorn and Kushi Mitama.

Since Kasumi's availability and your access to Faith Personas is limited early on, make sure to give her the right gifts to help boost your relationship in between Confidant events.

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Faith Confidant abilities

Rank 1: N/A

Rank 2: Tumbling

  • Prevents you from getting surrounded when a battle starts

Rank 3: N/A

Rank 4: Chaines Hook

  • Can use the grappling hook to ambush enemies from a distance

Rank 5: N/A

Rank 6: Follow Up and Fitness Talk

  • Follow Up:Kasumi may follow up an attack if Joker doesn’t down an enemy.
  • Fitness Talk: May get a second chance at negotiating with Shadows

Rank 7: Harisen Recovery

  • May recover from status ailments

Rank 8: Endure

  • Kasumi may survive a fatal attack with 1 HP left

Rank 9: Protect

  • Kasumi may save Joker from a fatal attack

Rank 10: Second Awakening

  • Kasumi’s Persona transforms

Faith Confidant choices and availability

Persona 5 Royal Faith Confidant: An anime young woman with red hair and a black leotard holds a rapier against a red background

Kasumi isn’t freely available at any point. You can only initiate a Confidant event when she texts you on specific days, so don’t ignore them unless doing so would mean missing a Palace deadline or something significant of that nature.

Maxing out the Faith Confidant also requires getting Maruki’s Confidant to rank nine by November 17 and reaching rank eight in Akechi’s Confidant by the end of October.

Faith Confidant rank 1: Unlocks automatically on May 30. No dialogue choices matter.

Faith Confidant rank 2 choices

  • Unlocks June 8

It's all about the harmony between the internal and external oblique muscles... I can't get enough of it!

  • We’re just getting started
  • I’m so done with this (both give +2)

I'm actually not doing so great at the moment, so I'm not sure I could manage anything too strenuous.

  • Next time then (+2)

The next three choices don’t matter.

I was so relieved, I suddenly got really hungry... and then my stomach wouldn't stop growling in my meeting.

  • Impressive (+2)

Faith Confidant rank 3 choices

  • Unlocks June 29

And I figured something out! It's this!

  • Making bento?

I made this specifically with your body type in mind, and knowing how much you exercise... Do you want it?

  • I’m touched!
  • It looks delicious (both give +2)

Let's dig in!

  • Is that all for you?

You okay? Your eyes are glazing over…

  • It’s definitely unique (+2)

The next three choices don’t matter

I'm so embarrassed... I thought it was so great when I presented it to you, and now..

  • All choices give +3

Faith Confidant rank 4 choices

Persona 5 Royal Faith Confidant: An anime young woman with red hair and a red coat looks at blue flames with a look of fear on her face

  • Unlocks July 7

I've been wanting to come here for a while, but I never had the chance to drop by

  • You’re looking to buy? (+2)

Wow, those really work for you! You look so cool! What do you think?

  • A pretty modern look

But your input's been really helpful so far! Would you mind poking around with me for a bit longer?

  • Of course
  • Let’ts keep going (both give +2)

I don't know how to describe it. It just seems perfect for my dad somehow

  • Good choice (+2)

The more I thought about it, the more... empty I felt. Like I wasn't even me anymore

  • Everyone deals with that (+2)

And having your support makes me even more determined to make that happen.

  • We’ll work at it together (+2)

And it suits him even better than I imagined! He was so happy with them!

  • I’m glad to hear that
  • You should be more confident (both give +2)

Faith Confidant rank 5

  • Unlocks July 28

Probably didn't expect to be meeting me at the batting center, huh?

  • It’s a surprise, yeah (+2)

What do you think? That could work, right?

  • Go ahead, I’ll watch

"I did it, Senpai! I hit the ball!

  • Congratulations!
  • I saw! (Both give +3)

I'd forgotten how it felt to work that hard on someone else's behalf..

  • That’s important

It's nice to dip into sports aside from gymnastics. Was there anything else you wanted to try, Senpai?

  • All give +3

Faith Confidant rank 6 unlock

This is the end of your relationship with Kasumi until January, and again, you need to max out Maruki’s and Akechi’s Confidants and not side with the enemies in December to unlock the third semester and final palace.

Be aware there are some character spoilers wrapped up in some of the remaining choices, though we've removed the most blatant references to them.

No choice matters until the last one.

...But this is the real me, I guess.

Persona 5 Royal Faith Confidant: An anime young woman with red hair holds a stylized mask in her hands holds onto an anime young man wearing a mask and pointing a gun

  • You have to face it

Faith Confidant rank 7 choices


  • You okay?

"I'll always be someone less than [redacted]. I'm just worthless after all…

  • That isn’t true

Senpai, will you go out with me again?

  • Of course

It didn't seem like you were struggling at all, though. You might be just as tough as [redacted]... Amazing

  • I love a good challenge

Faith Confidant rank 8 choices

I see. Well, I guess it's important to have a balanced diet...?

  • Walk up to [redacted]

I don't even know if I'm worth showing off, let alone how to do it…

  • Try to stay positive
  • I’m here for you (both give +3)

Um, what do you think

  • You look really cute
  • I’m in love (both give +3)

Even if you didn't like it... I don't think that'd change how I feel about it.

  • Both give +3

B-By the way, where do you like to get your clothes from, Senpai?

  • The resale shop
  • Online (both give +3)

Faith Confidant rank 9 choices and Kasumi romance

Sorry for dropping in on you like this. I hope it's not too much trouble.

  • Both choices give +3

And if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like you to be there when I do... Is that okay?

  • Both give +3

I talked about wanting you to see me, and how that helped me stop worrying?

  • Of course I do

Even as worthless as I am, I hope I still helped [redacted] somehow…

  • All give +3

Th-There's something I need to tell you, Senpai!

  • Go ahead

"Um, but... The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable, so..

  • I love you too (lovers route)
  • Let’s stay friends (friends route)

The remaining choices follow the romance route.

Just watch me and I promise I'll keep improving!

  • I can’t wait to see it
  • You can always rely on me

I really think I've matured. And I'm really glad for your part in that, Senpai.

  • I’m glad to hear it

Oh... what am I saying…

  • Calm down


  • You’re so cute

It feels as if I'm constantly riding a rollercoaster... I don't know what to do!

  • Get used to it

Faith Confidant rank 10 choices – Friends route

  • The first three choices don’t matter

I genuinely can't thank you enough

  • All give +3

It'll be you and me... and [redacted]. All three of us taking on the world as a team!

  • Bring it on

Faith Confidant rank 10 choices – Lovers route

The first four choices don’t matter well as discovering what's most important to me while performing

  • Is it someone you love?

The next two don’t matter

That's why I want to turn this world back to how it used to be. I want to keep my promise with her.

  • All give +3

If Ryuji isn't the only one struggling in school, check out our Persona 5 Royal classroom answers guide to ace every question and exam.

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