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PEGI boss in "work for the good of the people" shock

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PEGI boss madman Patrice Chazerand has come to the ridiculous conclusion that people should stop thinking about competition between the BBFC and PEGI and focus on how the two ratings bodies can work together for the good of the British people.

"I don't know if I'm being too visionary, but I think we should stop thinking in terms of competition and start thinking more in terms of cooperation," he said. "You've heard me say that if asked what my preference is, and what the industry has said, that PEGI would be the single ratings system, but as long as the government takes on board the Byron recommendations, you're confronted with a situation where you have to cooperate.

"I think it's a different logic to that of competition - I would say that productive cooperation, the one envisioned by Tanya Byron to better serve the interests of the UK, would be true cooperation - not competition."

We're not sure what the hell you mean by public services working towards a safer society as opposed to playing a pathetic game of oneupmanship instead of doing some work, but we'd thank you to keep your opinions to yourself, Patrice.

Someone in British ratings might take note and stop fighting tooth and nail for money and power.

And where would we be then?

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