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Overwatch's Tracer to debut in Heroes of the Storm this week

Tracer moonlights in Heroes of the Storm before her appearance in Overwatch.

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The Heroes of the Storm spotlight video introduces Tracer, giving is an in-depth look at her abilities in Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm, a full month before her own game Overwatch drops.

Described as a " highly mobile ranged Assassin," the video talks us through Tracer's primary abilites, two of which are related to her time manipulation. Blink will let you zip foward and can be used in rapid succession, while Recall will pull you back in time by a few seconds and will clear you of almost all negative effects. Pretty nifty.

Unlike other heroes, Tracer has only one heroic action - the pulse bomb - but it can be upgraded once you hit level 10. Check out the video for more titbits.

If you've pre-ordered a digital copy of Overwatch: Origins Edition on Windows PC, Tracer will be available tomorrow. Otherwise, you can find her in the Nexus on April 26.

Overwatch releases on May 24 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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