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Overwatch players still experiencing issues after DDoS attack

Overwatch players experienced connection issues overnight due to DDoS attacks, and some players are still reporting issues.

Overwatch, Hearthstone, and Heroes of the Storm players experienced connection issues starting July 8, and up to 11 hours ago.

Blizzard announced on July 9 the connection issues were related to DDoS attacks on service providers, and issues persisted into the early hours today, July 10.

While Blizzard seems to have a handle on the situation, some players are still experiencing issues ranging from being unable to log-in, long queues, and loss of skill points, via Dbltap.


Some players with connection issues are also being handed time outs, as the game is assuming they left in the middle of a competition match on purpose. This is part of the quit penalty system Blizzard implemented in Overwatch back in 2016.

"Lost 30 or 50SR and -1 endorsement level from LVL4 to LVL3 and suspended for 10 minutes," wrote tothemoooooon  on the Overwatch subreddit. "The server crashed right after the initial load of the comp match."

Hopefully, things will be back to normal for all players soon.

Thanks, PCgamesN.

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