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Meet Bastion, Overwatch's curious peacekeeping robot

Overwatch players keen on defense should take a look at Bastion, a peaceful transforming robotic unit.

Bastion is an unaffiliated Overwatch hero who wanders the world indulging its curiosity about the natural world while avoiding fearful humans.

These peacekeeping units were urned against humanity and have become symbols of terror, but our Bastion has lost much of its combat programming and reactivated after a decade of hibernation wanting only to explore and discover a new purpose. That said, it can turn into a tank and blow the heck out of stuff, so it's not all zen and butterflies.

See the robot in action below, and learn more about him on the Overwatch website.

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A new team shooter from Blizzard, Overwatch is in the works for Mac and PC but has not been dated. A beta is expected later this year, though.

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