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Odin Sphere HD inbound, Vanillaware and Atlus possibly teasing new project

Lots of good news for Vanillaware fans today.


Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir is an HD remake of the side-scrolling PS2 classic, Odin Sphere. It will include new features, apparently, although we don't know what they are.

Western release has not been announced, but it hits Japan in January for PlayStation 3, PS4 and Vita, according to Siliconera.

Take a look at the beautiful new graphics in the trailer below.

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On top of this exciting news, Atlus and Vanillaware have released a teaser trailer which seems to be for another project. We'll have to wait on details for that one; there's a lot of debate as to whether this teaser was just a last minute nod to the Odin Sphere announcement.

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