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Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD finished, release date soon

Just Add Water has said it'll announce a release date for Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD, and has said today that the game is complete. The studio's also passed over a list of improvements for the PS3 version compared to the 2005 Xbox game. Get the full list below, via Eurogamer.

  • All 84 character models have been updated with increased polygon counts and higher resolution textures. This includes all three variations of Live Ammo: Those in the environment, those on the Crossbow and those in the General Store.
  • Wolvark Sloghandlers now release Slogs instead of Slegs.
  • Professor Dimble now has glasses and an academic tome.
  • Jo' Mamma has a deeper voice.
  • Environments

  • All environments have been given higher resolution textures.
  • Most vegetation has been updated with increased polygon counts and/or higher resolution textures.
  • A lot of environment is now reflected in water where it didn't before.
  • Pipes and barrels rounded.
  • Added Blisterz Booty's broken crud gun to the floor by his bola'd body, as it is in the opening CG Cinematic.
  • Sekto's Office has been changed to more closely resemble than seen in the CG Cinematic.
  • Audio

  • All game audio (voice, sound effects and music) have been upgraded to 16-bit 44KHz from 8-bit 11KHz or less!
  • Support for 5.1, Dolby Digital and DTS.
  • New female voices have been recorded for two characters.
  • Display
  • Everything now runs at 720p, 60 FPS, widescreen.
  • All UI menus have been updated with a new design based on original unused concepts.
  • Textures added to stamina and bounty bars.
  • Save game GUIs replaced with standard PlayStation 3 interface.
  • New posters now occupy the inventory menu when no bounty is accepted.
  • MLAA - Full screen PS3 only anti-aliasing.
  • Difficulty

  • All armour upgrades now actually increase Stranger's health.
  • Added difficulty levels to the game: Easy, Medium and Hard.
  • In easy mode: Stranger has twice the health; Enemies have half the health and stamina; Enemies' stamina recovers half as fast.
  • In hard mode: Stranger has a third less health; Enemies take a bit more to kill.
  • Unlockables

  • 37 trophies: 23 bronze, 8 silver, 5 gold, 1 platinum. 18 of these are brand new, not in the PC port.
  • Unlockable concept art and movie extras for completing each region of the game.

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