NSW MP hopes to reclassify controversial MA15+ games post-R18+
Up to 50 games currently rated MA15+ may be reassessed for inclusion in the new R18+ ratings category when it is introduced in January 2013.
Kotaku reports MP Greg Donnelly raised the issue during a parliamentary discussion on state-level legislation in support for the new federal category.
“Following the introduction of the new framework on 1 January 2013 steps will be taken to look at what are colloquially referred to as the 50 video and computer games - at least 50 - that it is believed in one way or another have been shoe-horned into the MA15+ category and should now be rated at the higher classification," he said.
As one of the goals of the R18+ movement has been to assist caregivers in making decisions about what kinds of content are suitable for their underage charges, ensuring consistency across existing available games seems like a fair call.
But that wasn't the only intent of classification reform, as it was hoped new ratings guidelines would reduce the number of games Refused Classification in Australia. The Attorney-General’s department told Kotaku that games currently Refused Classification won't be reassessed unless the Classification Board chooses to do so, or is requested to by the Commonwealth or state minister responsible for classification.
It's not clear whether applicants - publishers - can also request classification, as when they appeal a decision, but re-classification can only occur two years after original classification.