NOA's Kaigler unsure why core titles are not doing well on Wii
NOA's Denise Kaigler has admitted she's unsure why Wii titles like MadWorld and The Conduit along with other games aimed at the core audience are not selling at retail.
However, she said that she is hopeful that things will start picking up soon, and that Nintendo will continue to support core players as well as the casual.
"You know, I don't know. It's hard to say. It could be titles have the same type of sales curve that a lot of Nintendo titles have," she told Wired. "A lot of Nintendo titles don't follow that traditional sales curve where they launch big and then that's it. Our titles have a long tail. They build in popularity, and this could be the case with MadWorld and The Conduit. I've played both. I'm not a core gamer, and I found that they were challenging and fun.
"We're hopeful that the titles will catch on and that consumers who already have those games will spread the word and others will follow suit there. They're deep experiences, and they're very challenging titles, and we certainly like them. But it's our hope that the games will pick up in popularity and they'll continue to sell.
"We certainly want to make sure that we're putting games on the market that casual and core alike enjoy. It's certainly one of our primary areas of focus. And based on the popularity of the Wii, the Nintendo DS and DSi, that tells us we're doing something right. As you know, we've got a very passionate fanbase out there - very vocal and very passionate, so they definitely tell us when they're not happy. But the good thing is, they also tell us when they are happy. And we definitely got some really good response out of E3.
"They were certainly very happy with Metroid: Other M, and some of the other titles we announced at E3."
Via CVG.