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Nintendo to make DSi-enhanced game announcements after launch


NoA president Reggie Fils-Aime is everywhere today.  This time, he's talking about DSi releases instead of used books.

In yet another interview, Reggie mentioned that any announcements on DSi-enhanced software will have to wait until after the system launches this week.

"It would be reasonable to talk about that after we've launched," he told MTV.

Reggie said he felt that most DS software released from now on will either not take advantage of the DSi's features or wil be both full compatible with both DS and DSi, thanks to the 100-million DS installed base.

"Developers are going to want to leverage that installed base and yet they'll want to provide extra content via the features of the DSi, like the camera. That's my expectation as to how it will play out," he said.

Hit the link for more Reggie.

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