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Nintendo North America eShop update, December 12: Miiverse, NNID, Double Dragon

Nintendo has updated the North American end of its eShop offerings with a quite a few titles, but the big news is the 3DS system update which adds Miiverse and Nintendo Network IDs to the handheld.

The system update was released earlier this week - in case you didn't log into your handheld. It adds Miiverse support and the ability to register a Nintendo Network ID. Users can now use the same Nintendo Network ID across Wii U and Nintendo 3DS systems to combine Nintendo eShop balances and Wish Lists.

The games being made available today are listed below:

RUSH - Wii U
Double Dragon - Wii U and 3DS Virtual Console
3D Galaxy Force II - 3DS
3D Ecco the Dolphin - 3DS
Nano Assault EX - Demo Version and Reduced Price - 3DS
AeternoBlade - Demo Version - 3DS
Jump Trials Supreme - 3DS
Life with Horses 3D - 3DS
My Style Studio: Hair Salon - 3DS
Orion's Odyssey - - 3DS, DSiWare

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